Friday, January 15, 2010

Save the Date's: The big reveal

Ok, so I left you in "Save the Date: suspense...sorry! The drama ensued with the address labels, but thankfully we were able to get ourselves out of the weeds and work out a system.

Now, I’ll show you what these bad boys looked like!

Here is our little setup: my trusty google doc spreadsheet with addresses (yes, they are color coded in blue for Mr. Buttons' guests, and pink for mine…), the magnets, glue dots, the cards and envelopes (clearly), and the ink pad/stamp.

I printed the envelopes while Mr. Buttons attached a glue dot to the back of the magnet and placed it inside the card.

I painstakingly placed each adorable little bird stamp in the left corner of the address. I had originally wanted to order a custom monogram stamp; but when I went to Michael’s one day…this bird stamp was waiting there for me!

I may have had a glass of wine or two during the process…

And…here you have it folks! A little peek at the finished product…I’m so glad that they are complete!

So much for anonymity...haha...

The next day, Mr. Buttons and I headed to the post office to drop them off…so sad (yet relieved) to see them go!

Gotta love the awkward blue trash can in the picture...

See ya, Save the Date's...

Were you relieved when you got your Save the Date’s out?


  1. Woohoo! They look great :) I think I'll be more relieved when I get our invitations out the door.

  2. They look great! Bet you were glad to get them out! We did e-save the dates so I think we'll go through this for the formal invitation!

  3. They came out so cute! We are currently working on ours!

  4. Love 'em Katie! I also love the font you used for the envelopes :)

  5. Those are so great, and you're so adorable! :)

  6. Awww I love them!!!! I wish Josh had taken pics like that of me but I think we just wanted them in the mailbox and out of our hands. Can't wait to see how your invitations look (yep, better start thinking about those!)

  7. LOL you are too cute Katie!!!! The STDs came out FANTASTICCCCCC!!!!!! I thought the bird was already on the envelope when you bought it... like, it was PERFECTLY stamped. BRAVO!
