To be honest, any hair cut at all would probably have made me feel amazing, but it feels SO good to have a bit of style back in my hair!
For perspective, I took a few photos before I left for the salon. It isn't that my hair looked awful, per se, but it was just...blah...and long...see?
Excuse my serious face; it is hard to take your own picture reflected in the bathroom mirror!
Check out how long it was in the back! About 3 inches for sure!
My wonderful stylist agreed that a slight inversion would be good, and proceeded to give me a razor cut (because my hair loves razor cuts...true life). We removed almost 3 inches of hair in the back, left it SLIGHTLY longer in the front, and then gave me back my long bangs! Yay bangs! Ok ok, I'll stop talking and start showing you the photos:
I was soooo happy; can't you tell???
A view of the side/back:
My bangs are back at around lip-level...much better than at chin level!
I know it isn't a drastic cut, but I am so happy! When I first started growing out my hair, I was so certain that I would want to return to something short and spunky when the wedding was over, but I found myself getting slightly attached to my longer locks as time went by. This cut was a big relief: it is much shorter/has texture, but it is still long enough to pull back if needed (yes, if you are wondering, I can get it into a ponytail!). Anyway...I LOVE IT!
How excited were you/are you for the PWC?
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