Friday, January 15, 2010

Save the Date Semi-Fail?


Notes to self:

Look up the proper way to address Save the Date’s BEFORE printing address labels. If you have the gut feeling that you are doing it wrong…you probably are (Oh…its Mr. and Mrs. Joe Schmoe? NOT Mr. Joe and Jane Schmoe? ***smashes head against table***)…

After stamping the envelopes, make sure to let Mr. Buttons know that the ink is wet so he doesn’t smear the pretty bird all over the envelope…D'OH!!!! Then, feverishly attempt to touch up the ink smudge with a Q-tip and water (you think I’m kidding? I’m totally not…).

Be VERY careful when writing the greeting inside the card, otherwise you’ll be trying in vain to disguise messed up spelling (HOW IN THE WORLD did I spell my fiancé’s name WRONG?!?!!?).

When in doubt…pour yourself a glass of wine, or other icy adult beverage.

Breathe in, breathe out.

Keep on keeping on…

I will certainly be showing you the labor of love that was our Save the Date’s very soon! But, in order to get them done, I had to resist the urge to bang my head against my coffee table...


  1. Katie... anyone who cares that you write Joe & Jane Smith instead of Mr & Mrs Smith is crazy!!!! I addressed ours to married couples as His Name & Her Name _____ (if they have the same last name) and really I don't think you can go wrong (unless you're sending it to an etiquette writer or someone equally as boring who actually CARES!)

  2. Oh dear :) We totally have that stress reduction kit hung up in the coffee room at work :)

  3. Oh no! I am so sorry about this. Tomorrow I am posting about my own frustration with our STD's...though mine was not quite as horrible as yours (but still involved the envelopes being ugly in the end!). It gets better. I think the STD's are a test run to learn from your mistakes before the invites go out :)

  4. I'm sure they'll come out great. Can't wait!

  5. Oh man, sorry to hear about the ink mishaps. Making stationary yourself is definitely a labor of love. I gave the "bad" invites prototypes to guys who I knew would probably toss it anyway.

  6. I spelled my dad's name wrong on our STD envelope.
    So Polish Stephen can't, all of the sudden, but sassy StephAn???? Dang.

  7. Awww! That really stinks!! I'm hoping that I don't have problems like this!!

    Check out my blog (! There's a surprise for you!!
